My Promise
As you rest up in the sky
Getting answers to all your questions
Reuniting with your only love
I think of you
You died the way everyone wants
Peaceful, in the place you love
Why did you have to leave?
What did I do?
I will always remember
The times that we spent
Sitting alone in your library
You taught me to read
Something I use everyday
You always told me to..
Never lie,
Never cheat, and to
Always keep my promises
So, I take you advice
And promise you one thing
And one thing only
My love is that one thing
My love is my promise
You never gave me the gift
Of a final farewell
You never gave me the gift
Of one last cry
As you rest up in the sky
Getting answers to all your questions
Reuniting with your only love
I think of, remember, and love you
I promise