Love Poem: My Purpose

My Purpose

My purpose here on earth
is not for my own pleasure or man’s, 
but it is for God’s pleasure.  
Life is not about you or me, 
but about God.

It is not God’s responsibility 
to make me happy or provide 
all that I want and desire.  
But He will and He does.

It is my purpose in life 
to make God happy 
and fulfill His desires. 
Which I fail at
far more than do.

His desires are for me 
to love and worship Him 
and love my neighbor.  
To care for the hurting 
and care for the needy.  

To see something other 
than my own little plans or wants.  
To see a plan greater 
than my own 
is what He has.  

When I see all and help all 
as if it were my very own life, 
then I begin, yes just begin,
to fulfill what God’s plan
is for my life.  

When I can develop 
my attitude, my way of thinking
to align with God’s attitude 
then I am one step 
closer to His plan.

When I grow up 
and become the person 
of God that He desires me to be, 
then is when I will be 
the happiest and most fulfilled.  

Through all my misery, 
my hurts and my pain, 
and troubles even then 
shall I rejoice 
in His peace and love.  

Because of His love, 
which flows so deep,
His peace, His joy
I need not dwell 
in my problems as I do.
But be a victor in all 
areas of my life .... everything
that I set my hands and feet on.  
For when I am weak 
then He makes me strong.

All that I have, 
all that I am, 
all that I long to be 
is because of my Lord
and what He means to me.  

He is my reason for being, 
He gives me  ....
my very life’s breath.  
I desire to be the reflection 
of Him and His love to the world.