Love Poem: My Redneck Truck

My Redneck Truck

My Redneck Truck

I love to ride around in my redneck truck
Even though I do not hunt rabbit, duck, or buck,
It makes me feel great when life goes a-muck.
And when I am enamored or by nature, moonstruck.

An ordinary truck somewhat knocked around.
No longer has a bumper, headlight lost, not found.
It never has complaints, no, not one sound.
That is why we take it when we go to town.

The AC might be broken but the windows work.
Sometimes my hair blows wildly, just one quirk.
I laugh so loud some people think I’ve gone berserk. 
Always overjoyed because it beats legwork.

© August 3, 2010
Dane Smith-Johnsen