My Sacrifice
My days are cold, My nights like ice,
For the Love I bleed, I sacrifice.
Inside Of me, I feel the strain,
In my Heart, I feel the Pain.
My life has Always been this way..
And In the End, I deeply Pray.
I fight for love. & die once more..
My heart is Torn, My Soul is Sore.
I cry each night till i fall asleep..
I long for love, Pure & deep.
Love's Flame Burns bright,
within My heart,
And in my soul love plays a part.
I need love's light to find my way..
Beside my love i wish to stay.
But Frozen without Love's Embrace..
I wish to hide my tear stained face.
The shadows grow, & wrap around,
Quietly sneaking, without a sound.
within this wasteland.. I am found.
My Prison grows, The air is chill,
Its light & love my soul must Feel.
Banish the cold & frozen me....
So that we may both live.... happily.