My Secret To Happiness
My secret to happiness is not measured by the possession of the world's gold, riches or wealth,
Nor the distance of perfections.
My secret to happiness is the love and joy I give to others, the smile I put on the face of everybody I meet.
I never dreamt of becoming a millionaire,
Nor have I taught of having the world's perfect life.
My secret to happiness is found in the little things I do, own and possess.
My secret to happiness is the sartisfaction I get towards my life.
My secret to happiness is not just all about sharing love but to be with people that loves me for who I am, motivate me and will always inspire me, rather than to be with people that will look for my imperfections and feed of my fears and weaknesses.
My secret to happiness is found everyday I get the grace to wake up and see the beautiful world ahead.
My secret to happiness lies at the set out of the sun's light when I can smile at my daily achievements, to see the stars and remind myself of another wonderful day ahead.
My secret to happiness is the good vibes that spreads all around me and the faith of a better tomorrow.