My Signature
My Existence's signature remains Agony
The paths I walk on have already met
With disdainful corrosion
So much that my soul remains
Pray, why would the Heavens
Surprise me with their word
When all they do in the end
Is to contort it to fundamental pain?
In my love story have I imprinted a seal
That of Death,
Bypassing even Life and its pleasures
Pray, they only wish to contort
My Agony into Torture!
Why, it would seem that my karma
Is aligned to the bad omens!
My subconscious, pitying me
Constantly fools me,
Merely to allow me to keep on walking!
But in the end,
The surprise of Existing
Is merely that we are to attach
Ourselves to the dirt and grime
Of everything
As, the very essence of it all
Wishes it that our souls
Remain cuddled to pain!
Of living have I had enough
Wish I could free myself,
Break off the chains,
Crumble my heart to dust
And ask
That I feel not,
Not anymore,
Never again
In any living form!
For Contest Ten word Challenge 1 Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Kai Michael Neumann
Written on 23rd August 2019