My Son, Never Forgotten
Times drift by,
Yesterdays are passed,
Memories never forgotten.
Memorable things now stored away,
Favorite things you so enjoyed,
Now safely treasured in a box.
Your first baby blanket neatly folded,
Years of artwork carefully packed,
Heartfelt poems written by you,
Now treasured and protected.
Your favorite chair,
Still sits on the porch.
At times as I sit outside reflecting with God,
I look into the empty chair
And wish you were there.
Photographs of you of years gone by,
Now lay safely in a box,
Always to be looked at,
To share and reflect upon.
The last words you spoke to me,
Still replay in my heart
Never to be forgotten,
Praying to hear you speak again,
“I love you too, mama!”
The last moments spent with you
Are treasured memories created,
Filed away safe in my heart,
Always to be cherished with love.
I miss you coming home late,
Always wondering while I wait.
I miss the way you pleaded for me
To warm a meal, to get a drink,
And though I was tired or though it was late,
Out of love I gave in to your hearts desire;
Then excitedly in a child like voice, you'd say,
“Thank you mommy, I love you!”
A part of me is lost,
An empty space fills my heart,
An empty room where you once laid your head.
So many things you left behind,
So many lives you've touched,
Never to be forgotten, but always remembered.
I do not know why,
For it is not for me to understand.
The time will soon come
For me to know the truth
As to why you had to go.
Some day very soon,
When Gods perfect plan is revealed
And when in paradise eternal,
Is when I shall see your smile,
Look into your eyes,
And hear you say, once again,
“I love you too, mama!”