My Son
To my son I did not birth, For the world no papers are worth, My heart that beats beneath this chest, Is dormant a vessel with much repress, These feelings inside are only for you, No other can have them no not from you, My life has been made with complicated reins, Yet once we met I'd happen to discover, Our ages made no difference for me as your mother, I've no need for my own by some man's seed, In this lifetime your who I need, I'll never give you up, I'll never let you go, When your world feels like its crashing, Just calm down, My arms are right here, My love in you strong, I'll hold onto you my sweet baby boy, I feel complete with you near, I hope one day you'll love me the same, Sweet child of another I'm grateful she bore, My heart would seem empty if not for you, I smile without reason, Your the cause to my loves change of each season, We run through trials like bumps in the road, Several hurt an some don't matter at all, I'll always forgive you, I'll always love you, For you are my son that shines through the fog to me everyday.