My Sons
my three sons are so precious to me
I know all kids are but there's something special about these three
Each one is different from the older to the younger
but they all make me proud that they can call me their mother
I watch them closely and let them learn from their mistakes
I encourage them to keep trying no matter how long it takes
I teach them to let their feelings out never hold them in
Because in the long run all it will do is hurt them
They enjoy family days but I enjoy family nights
Yes they like all other kids they argue and they fight
But when they help each other it's just a terrific sight
Brother helping brother standing as one to unite
They can learn a lot from the things that I say
So I will make the path and let them lead the way
Until they get older and make choices of their own
They belong to me from dusk until dawn
The youngest one is the comedian the oldest one loves to play football
The one in the middle likes to do just about it all
MY youngest one love trucks and cars ny oldest is into music and girls
My middle child likes to collect pokemon cards
And the fast and the furious is his world
MY boys are all unique very well mannered when they speak
So if you ever get a chance to meet them you'll love them their so sweet
stay tuned for part two