My Supreme Goddess Thou Art
My Supreme Goddess Thou Art
I can see Heaven clearly whilst gazing deeply in your eyes now,
Where the sweet caramel melts deliciously into heartbeats pure.
The radiant light of our eternal love dwells deep within our hearts,
As our souls are captivated by God’s aura of divine enchantment.
A nirvana fills our destiny as passionate lovers kissing softly so,
Mesmerized by the enraptured emotions we forever shareth as one.
A wild wondrous wallflower you are—shining now ever brightly,
As that angelic spirit in mortal presence on Earth by God’s hand.
Dearest one I sayeth truly now my supreme goddess thou art,
As we holdeth one another in an ardent embrace by God’s grace.
The fiery passion of our forever love is a pure beam of silken starlight,
Which bathes the darkest depths of the cosmos in a heavenly radiance.
What more can two people hope for in this world of finite limitations?
Our shared love and rich emotions form the destiny we seek with God.
Gary Bateman and Liam McDaid, A Collaborated Poem
Copyright © All Rights Reserved – April 29, 2017