My Sweet Singing Siren
A voice that sounds like heaven is humming harmonies,
Smooth enough to calm all the world’s seas,
When you take a chance to listen very closely,
You’ll hear how my sweet siren sings.
My siren sings from dusk to dawn when in the dark the sun dips,
You can hear them sing vastly from space or as close as my lips,
They sing with such honey tunes that fill you from your toes to your fingertips,
My siren voice is everlasting as it even sails away ships.
Sometimes their melodies are as sweet as a lover’s kiss,
And sometimes it’s as somber as a never-ending abyss,
Other times it’s filled with storms that are hard to dismiss,
But even so my siren’s woes can still sound like bliss.
Next time you sit alone and think the wind is whispering in your ear,
Pay close attention and maybe a faint song you won’t mishear,
Will soon fill your head and dance around till the end of the year,
But quickly remember or else you’ll have my siren disappear.