My Testimony
My Testimony
Sometimes we sing a chorus
I'm in the shadow of somebody
Bigger and all the world's power
Can't pull us apart.
This is how I feel in my heart
If I draw closer to God, I can
Only get stronger in Him.
He gives me strength in my lowest
He builds me up when I'm sad
He is my guide in the hard times
And the best friend I ever had.
That is why in my heart I can say
I love Him better with each passing day.
And with His loving hand to guide me
I can only conquer, for Jesus will not
Let go of me. I thank Him for saving me
And for every blessing He has given me.
I love Him with all my heart.
If you have the peace of God in your
heart today, in this mixed up world
You have something to rejoice about.
If you haven't, you are missing out
On something very precious,
That money cannot buy.
For only Jesus can save your soul.
Only Jesus can make you whole.
Come to this fountain, get in from
The cold. Surrender your burdens.
Put God in control.
It isn't because of any great thing
That I have done, that got me saved;
But it's because there was a Calvary,
A cross, and a man called Jesus
That I can claim to be a Christian.
I could never fit into His shoes
Because I am so unworthy.
But I also know, that if I do my very best
I will have a home in Heaven with Him
All because of His saving grace
May God give you and me the strength to
Live for Him, is my prayer today.