My Thoughts On Silence
Embracing silence as my friend
has often saved my sanity.
I realized its benefits.
The adages seemed right for me:
Silence is golden.
It nourishes wisdom
and courage emboldens.
It is its own language.
Life as I knew it soon would end,
for silence brought me to my knees,
no longer golden, nor my friend,
but stunning, stark reality.
When did his love for me begin
to wane? I can’t be sure how long
he feigned affection to be kind.
I know respect for me was strong.
One night I whispered, “I love you.”
His tear-filled eyes avoided mine.
The silence said a sad “good-bye.”
I lied: “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine!”
I don’t need silence. I need him
to come and save my sanity.
I miss the benefits of love
and noise; all seem so right for me.
September 2, 2020
Contest: Song I--Cold, Quiet Now Poetry Contest placed 2nd
Sponsor: Rob Carmack
received HM in Brian Strand's Completely Your Choice, 3