Love Poem: My Tropical Island Adventure

My Tropical Island Adventure

"Life is about moments: Grasp them when they drift your way." Quote by _ Constance
I was attending a party on a sleek yacht one evening. The music was playing, the booze flowing, laughter filled the night, some folks were dancing, others just lounging on deck chairs. I was leaning against the rail talking to a man. He was handsome and interesting .... when suddenly, the yacht jerked and I was falling through the air. I landed with a splash into the ocean. The cold overwhelming me and for a moment I was still, next, I was with someone as the man I had been talking to jumped in to save me and had brought with him life jackets. We held each other as great waves crashed the yacht slipping into the ocean. We began to swim fast to avoid going under, we swam and swam, only pausing to rest and look up at the sky.
the bright star glittered in the dark velvety sky ... and the ocean roared
With the waves and wind pushing us we gained distance from the yacht, in fact we could not see it anymore. We alternated swimming and resting and I guess that I fell asleep because when I woke we were on a wild tropical island. I have never seen anything so lush and beautiful, and the sounds of animals were haunting. I was not afraid yet, it did not occur to me that we were lost. But, suddenly I recall deep blue eyes looking down at me with worry in them. Swirling around I found him standing scanning the ocean.
the waves were crashing rolling onto the sand beach ... roaring endlessly
Days turned into weeks, and months. We had become quite skilled at this survival thing, we had shelter, fire, and blue eyes was great at fishing while I foraged for wild plants we could eat, each day passed I loved him more and more, a part of me wanted to stay on this tropical island forever with him. But, one day we were rescued, I stood looking as our island retreated with a deep sadness, I had been happy with him. Then, he had me in his arms, kissing my tears away and whispered, will you marry me, yes was my quick answer.
the breeze was gentle and birds were singing in trees ... as two love birds wed