My Venetian Mask
Since time of old
From times gone by
My mask is worn by and by.
Days become months
Months become years that are preciously dear
My mask my mask please always be here.
To many a people
Through many a place
My mask I wore to hide my face.
My masks, though many,
behind which I hide
ebbs and flow just like the tide.
Changes it may
To people I choose, to those near my heart
to those I fear I may lose.
Years pass by
For my mask and I
Taking it off I dare not try.
Only pieces and glimpses
Of my hidden face beneath
Would I only allow those close a tiny peak
Wearing my mask
hiding my face
This I thought, would keep me safe.
Then one day
This one I did meet
This one that I knew, this one that I'd keep.
Fear filled my soul
For this one looking at me wearing no mask at all
Causing my precious masks to begin to fall.