My Very Most Luckiest Day
I was walking through the mall, one day you see,
When a very most peculiar thing happened to me
Almond jewels sincere and whole,
warmed my heart and eased life’s toll.
With a dimple in her cheek and a gleam in her eye
Her perfect beauty gave me an instant high.
Her beautiful smile was so big and full,
It made just one kiss my only goal.
No, that’s wrong, it just won't do,
I better stop and think this through.
With all my strength, and all my might.
I pause and think…I know! That’s right!
We chat we gab, we talk we flirt.
I looked at her shoes, she checked out my shirt.
Her calm giggle melted away my fear,
Like snow at the end of a warm winter year.
I better go, I should just walk away!
I’ll come here back soon, some other day.
I turn to go. Then I wait.
How would you like to go out on a date?
“Ok.” she says, with a smile on her face.
Oh thank you dear God! For your love and sweet grace!
I take down her number 555-1212
Now I have this, what should I do?
Is this for real? It cannot be!
Why would she ever give her number to me?
Oh well, who cares; let us just say…
Today happens to be my very most luckiest day.