My View Or Gods View
As I often watch the daily news.
I hear about different stories
and different views.
I can't help but to wonder
when some complain.
Of their views not being "accepted."
But "contained."
Many of the views shared,
bring to me a concern...
When it comes to God's word.
Many have "their backs turned."
While often, they speak of
"tolerance" in their living...
Only their view... Is what they are giving.
If you disagree with them.
You're called a "right winger."
While they march to the
"same drum beat." "The same singer."
I don't mean to spread a picture
of "doom and gloom."
But a "day of reckoning" is
coming so very soon!
God's word... Which many ignore...
Will be the "compass." When God
comes knocking at you're door.
What will "your view" be when
God calls your name?
Will you come to him.
Or will you complain?
You'll be by yourself at
God's judgement day.
When your name is called.
What will you say?
God's view is: "My love for
you will never end."
Allow his word to guide you...
And to be your friend!
By Jim Pemberton