Love Poem: My Wait For Grand.
Cate Rock Avatar
Written by: Cate Rock

My Wait For Grand.

My Wait For Grand.
by Cate Rock

I walk to my shelter as the earth trembles beneath my feet. 
I walk into happiness with the world on my shoulders...
I step lightly past graves and tombs,
I walk past even you...
I find my light right where i lost it...
I found it next to that grave.
I found you.

The place I left my heart...
The place where my life ended and my death started.
The head stone read "Weeks" when my heart break was years...
All i gained from coming was heavy tears...
This graveyard was my home...
Where i was to be laid...
Yet that all changed as long ago as i stared upon this old grave.

The man laid here was know to me as grand.
And grand he was...
Tall, thick, fatherly figure...
Red hair cold green eyes...
Never seen him in person yet love i still held for this guy.
His heart ever growing his mind set on peace...
Cut down in his prime...
Now he lays diciest...

Tears break down...cover my face..
Heart break to heart break this is heart breaks place.
Here in this grave yard where my mother's father is laid
Here in this place of love and hate.
I pray for him back cause with him gone I'm alone.
Here in this graveyard all so messily sown...
I look for his words all jumbled in my head...
Yet only words Ive had where the words Ive read...

So alone so misguided.
Yet i shall wait.
Wait for him again at the fiery red gates...

Submission date : 2009-06-23