My Waning Years
My Waning Years
As my waning years return me to reverie
I dream about the days we spent with sylvan trees
As sunset casts its golden glow on canopies
And you and I thought our love would last eternally.
Love had us mesmerized under its magic spell
Our youth's enchanted vision of what life would be
Innocent intentions that let our lives feel free
Enraptured in each others arms as twilight fell.
As we lay amidst colored leaves that autumn day,
Those sweet memories still so vivid in my mind;
Your handsome face, your softest lips that I would find
When pressed against my lips caused me to pray.
Grateful, I thanked the Lord for serendipity.
That we would find each other in a world so great
And feel electric sparks at first glance to be fate
Two souls with similar affinity.
I thought that we would forever have binding ties.
You hid a fearsome temper you could not rein.
With my fear of violence I could not contain,
We sadly parted ways with heartbreakng goodbyes.
As my waning years return me to reverie
I dream about the days we spent with sylvan trees
As sunset casts its golden glow on canopies
And you and I thought our love would last eternally.
Enclosed Rhyme - September, 2018 Poetry Contest
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