My Wise Owl Friend
She wouldn’t stand no nonsense, she wouldn’t take no bull
She wouldn’t pull no punches, she would tell me – warts and all
She really was a true, true friend in every sense of the word
Always there in times of need, not pushing to be heard
For over 40 years now, I’ve loved my Wise Owl Friend
Even tho’ there have been times she’s driven me round the bend!
When the chips were down, when I needed to heal
She would always be there, knowing how I would feel
We would sit and discuss, put the world to rights
Or just listen to music on many a night
She with her book, me with the telly
Then out would come a comment that would really shake your belly
She made me smile so often, now I know she will be cross
Because I cannot help my crying for she is an enormous loss
She will tell me to just stop snivelling and get on with my life
But who will I pick up the phone to when there are times of strife
I’ll never forget, I’ll miss her so much
She told it like it is but with a real human touch.
Fly high my Wise Owl – see you up there!