My Wolf
A lone wolf,
Standing just in front of me,
Just out of reach,
Always so far out of reach.
This one lone wolf,
This one beautiful creature,
He alone is my freedom,
I love him.
With every fiber of my being,
I love him.
If he were to only step toward me,
I would know that he feels the same.
But as I stand here,
The realization,
The truth,
It shatters what little of my heart was left.
He turns to go.
I stand there,
Watching him turn his back on me,
One final time.
My love,
My life,
My Warrior.
My protector.
My wolf.
He still walks away,
Vanishing before my eyes,
Forever leaving me alone.
I stare after him,
Even after he is long gone.
I drop to my knees,
Feeling dead and alone inside.