The one before me who once held my heart has changed.
He has transformed into a neglectful and uncaring stranger.
Kind words and soft looks do not come from this being.
Security and trust are not felt.
To look into these eyes a new person looks back.
One who does not share my dreams.
One who does not hold me and nurture me.
The mysteries of the universe can no longer be pondered upon with this one.
No secrets are to be shared.
What was once a lifetime to be shared and looked forward to,
Now dread and resentment has replaced.
His words as foreign to me as those spoken on an oasis in the desert tens of
thousands of miles away.
A heart that once would jump at this voice, flutter on wings as delicate as those of
a newly born bird, has locked up.
So many questions tired of being asked have now ceased to be asked.
Admission of lost love and disappointments abound our conscious world.
While subconsciously mysteries arise and are perpetually pondered upon.
All hopes of renewing that great love affair have melted away.
This once great deep and passionate love that I myself never would have thought
to end, has ended.
All too little, all too late.
Too many unanswerable questions.
Too much has changed and our very exsistance is a mystery onto itself.