Mysterious Habitats
Wonderful is the monument Tajmahal
It buries mysterious human track mole
It bears the memory of a love that compelled
To activate many to shed blood in sweat
It casts the reminiscence of a love forced
To shed blood and to jail in, his true owner
Mysterious trends of trapping self are in site
Man researches project and new working kit
Builds up advanced and novel technologies
Brushes skills, by practicing methodologies
Manages time avoiding all diseconomies
To dig pit and adorn lavishly for ceremonies
Man invest to upgrade the ditch and keep fit
So dynamites and cutters for economies, set
Grinders and carvers to enhance production
Guilders and silencers to avoid all seduction
Choose the sharpest pig axe to loosen the soil
And strongest shovel to move it by safest toil
Sorted out the most skilful engineer, to erect
Sought words of the experienced, to correct
Set things in perfect orderly combinations
Longed to creep in and bar all mind motions
Safeguard with latest possible defense tactics
Once seated in and fixed with ceiling
Moister grabs into the core of seedling
The life cravings emerges by rooting in vain
The pit awards a gift of darkness in brain,
Manifold illusions showing mud as gold,
And geillet as gentle life framing mould
Delusions exhibit colors to darting blindness
Generating manifold distress and illness
But never realizes the double-hooking trap
Bleats and brays like beasts without gap
Dreaming heaven, creates horrible hell .
Narcotics swell as sediments in life cell;
Glooms rise up closing the mind in jail;
Healing of evil posts in peril as by mail;
Charges with blames yet, time and goods;
Loves venom to boot, if coved in cute foods.
Then everyone was restless to build up on
And now sleepless to break them down soon
All are in fast track to erect their own trap
Or by the attempts to break, make it tough
No aids available, for all want to build aside
If even extended, no one has time to concede
At onset of ages the wise hope a blood shed
To level the hole, by softening inner shed
Settled in due course splitting the archives
In second half in Him, the willing achieves.
Jose Pudussery