Veiled in the mysteries of light
black cutting off white
a cottonwood whirl
of life
no debutanted call
you said left, I thought right
patience holding
frightless on an eerie starless night
your oceans brushing
about my tree
a sequoia rising high
above the waters edge
your wake ~ delicate
a soundless melody
that plays on for hours
and hours
in the breeze,
the gentle tease
the tide
washing in
and out
to the wims of night
the rustled leaves
a bed of kings
I, with you
in grave and height
stripping shrouds
shearing fears
climbing up the endless stares
a woodpecker pecks
an undressed nest
in piney wood
I know
I should
visions spy
her spotted eyes
true wonder
where halos go to glow
amid a moonlight high
there's laughter in that sky
air fills our lungs
creating a thousand soulful songs
we lay
contented with the coming
of the day
gorgeous as that may be