Naive Lou and Clueless Cal
Naïve Lou
has no clue
about boys
and their toys.
She feels sure
she can lure
Cal away
ANY day
from old cars,
gaming wars,
She just knows
he’ll prefer
time with her!
Lou’s his gal.
Clueless Cal
thinks she’ll be
there for him—
at his whim.
Facebook time
will decline.
Girls’ nights out
will, no doubt,
not be ceased,
but decreased!
Should they wed
or instead
say “Good-bye”
with a sigh?
Well, these two
said, “I do”
years ago.
Blessings flow.
shows how wise
they have grown.
Each has shown
due respect,
no neglect.
40 lines
September 8, 2020
entered in the Threes, Please Poetry Contest placed 2nd
Sponsor: Beth Evans
October 1, 2020
entered in the Completely Your Choice (20) Contest
Sponsor: Brian Strand