Naming Naked
"I come to the gar~den...alone...
While the dew is still...on the...roses.."
...did that rose just move???
"And the voice I hear...
.....WHAT was that???
"Whose there?
Now I know you're there
I don't easily scare
Jesus is least he's near"
Listen to yourself, girl
You are crazy, here in your secret place
Where nothing or no one can be
It's your uniquely designed, secluded space
Where was I?
Now I'm not in the mood
There's the gate, my reliant escape
Out of my truth, into his grace
Why won't the gate open
I can't get out...let me out
Finally, a voice speaks
And stills the fear, threatening to...what!?!
He said, "Peace little one
I have you now, in the grain of your cross
Your fear is great as I behold your naked soul
You believe I can give you any gift, but never make you whole
You believe I will provide, but never keep you safe
You believe you are trapped inside your very own gate
What is your truth, my love
What is your consuming fear"
My mind searched deep and wide
As I trembled in LOVE's presence
It floated up and out
"You are nothing more of less, than nature's peasant"
"Ah, have no value, unlovable to the core
Yet here your LOVE stands, desiring to know you more"
He drew near to me and whispered,
"May I enter into your scars
You will have to trust LOVE
To understand who and where you are."
Although I agreed, the fight was fierce
It took years for HIM to strip me bare
But nothing could prepare me for the rage
When HE entered ....THERE
Like a howl in the darkest night
My soul uttered out a thick, black cry
The deliverance of the wicked
That part of grief that had to die
.....lain upon the wooden altar
While I smelled burning flesh
And heard the popping of the fire
He grew brighter and lovelier
As I allowed the Cross to receive my desire
.....I am naked before HIM, and unashamed naked has been named
Written by Trudy Schrader on 11-24-2018