Nathan Reide
My dearest Nathan Reide
4 years on, still my heart bleeds
I'm always here with thoughts of you
with a glimmer of clarity I catch myself
As my fingers dial your phone
For close to a year I called through
After that dreaded swine-flu
Even took you far from my dreams
no longer will I be within your loving view
I long to hear your voice for just a second or two
for years you brought my inner child out
never would I have ever conceded
You would be this once in a lifetime friend
From the first time we met on my first shift
Uptown taxis with the best night crew
Christmas eve 2000
I walked out and as I looked round
I caught you gawking at me as I came out
the words, without any thought loudly announced
“what you looking at ya fat c**t"
Our souls forever connected from that instant
You without a doubt, were my very best friend
As I have always valued our friendship
I will cherish a once in a lifetime connection we had
As a friendship from such a lovely big heart as yours
It was I who was the lucky one to have had you in my life
Even if only for a few short years
I will forever & always love you with all of my heart
R.I.P Nathan Reide
April 1977- 15 July 2009