Love Poem: Nature At Its Best Charm
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Written by: Saanvi Dua

Nature At Its Best Charm

Tip tap splitter-splatter , 
Goes down the rain.
Flying down with a clatter , 
Creating brooks along the lane …

From the dark , fluffy clouds... 
Descending with the breeze..
Exciting the overjoyed crowds , 
Swaying along with the trees …..

Splashes in the cool puddles , 
Muddy footprints of toddlers and teens ... 
Accompanied by the pleasant sounds of guggles , 
And happy faces with wide beams …

It is a blessing , a form of love ...
No frowns , no sorrow ,  no hatred , no harm , 
Just healing the pains , smoothening the rough , 
Because nature is at its best charm ….