Love Poem: Nature's Controversial Kindness
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Nature's Controversial Kindness

Taoist Elders have spoken--
and who could natural spirits be
to rewrite cooperative history--
outside nature, unlike inside spirits, 
does not favor kindness.

Christian Elders
more recently issue citations
to this Problem of Evil
incommensurabe with Father's loving powers.

Dark issues,
these evils and unkind catastrophes,
untimely deaths and dark angry dissonance
recycling more fear of fear itself.

Hunting hurricanes and stalking tsunamis
or a smaller issue of, 
"I did not see that big red truck coming"
because I was wandering elsewhere,
in more internal rumblings.

Yet if evolution has no regenerative morality,
no eco-norm sustaining wealth of health,
then what do we call devolution?

If contentiousness has no natural content,
then what is this soulful currency called contentment?

If living healthy wealth has no loving synergetic bias,
then why pathology,
and evil,
and insanity,
and unkind lack of compassion,
and pleasure?

If Ego's anthro-centric view of nature's kindness,
then NatureGod's wealth of health polycultural view
of monoculturally competitive unnatural predation,
warring against
or merely ruminating sad lack of panentheistic humane kindness,
within as without as below as before as after...

Repeat, reiterate, reconnect, remember, religion as necessary.

Taoism revolves primally co-arising NatureYang 
co-relating SpiritYin,
both-and, never perfectly either-or

Always both kind and unkind in/out-tegrity

If ease is YangPositive
then absence of ease, 
is also not not easy YinNegative echo-balancing 
Yin, problem of sin, not yet resonant

TransParently bilateral outside nature 
as also inside vulnerable spirit 
of Earth's revolving panentheistic soul

Never one Yang negative event
without Yintegrity's positive possible Other, 
nondual co-arising bilateral appositions 
co-gravitating Ego/EcoPresent 
+1/-(-0) Tao-Now coPassion.

Absence of co-empathic ease
emerges dualdark anger-fear EgoNature/EcoSpirit
cospiraling monotheistic AnthroSupremacy.

If good karma is kinder 
than unkind bad karma
then isn't bad karma unkinder than kind
mutual humane regard of our left with right
crown with root 
bicameral AnthroMind/EarthBody 
co-empathic ease?

We speak of natural ecosystems in physical space
as our Elder right mindbody feels spiritual 
meta-physically potentiating positive relationships

TransActions of bodynature/mindspirit 
both healthy-kind and pathology-unkind,
incarnationally, not yet excarnationally
emerging co-empathic balance HereBody/NowMind

Kind humane nature's authentic/integral default 
not not Great Panentheistic Spirit's kind 
resonantly echoing life-ease/death-unease
of Full/Empty Graced 
AnthroMind/EarthBody co-empathic karma.