Near Death Experience
Intriguing subject of which I've read.
Most NDEs come back without dread
of dying, some are eager to go;
some feel they know and are saying so.
Many describe a most brilliant light,
believe it is God's love shining bright.
They're embraced unconditionally;
despair erased additionally.
While in this state, they can fly with ease.
Disease, blindness, cripples are released.
Hate dissipates in the love that's shown--
a wonderful place to call their own.
Long-passed relatives wave at the gate;
want to join with them, but they must wait.
Sometimes they are allowed to decide.
Tho tempted, most return to this side.
Most people are now forever changed--
love is foremost, they must rearrange
their lives for caring till their last breath,
distribute love found at their near death.
May 2, 2022
for Near Death Experience Poetry Contest
by Chantelle Anne Cooke