Nearly Blew My Head Off
The magic of love in those early years
So intense, so filled with suspense
What would it be like, that very first kiss
The feeling was so so intense
Just about more than I could bare
The anticipation, the longing to know
What all the older guys were raving about
“Making out” in the back row of the show
Eventually my time did finally arrive
Nearly blew my head off my shoulders
And that was only my very first kiss
What came later made me utterly smoulder
Won't go into detail but holy frigging crap
Sure made my temperature rise
Got all sweaty, totally forgot who I was
Greeted all my friends with high fives
Then I knew what all the fuss was about
Sure haven't forgotten it since
In fact, I consider myself a professional now
Could teach about love I'm convinced
Those fun filled days have long since departed
Only memories are left to remember
But holy cadoodle what a wonderful journey
As I'm nearing my month of December