Ninth Fable
Ninth Fable
Ninth Fable
Tragic Love
Internet Love
The Love eye have for ewe is just the same as iff we wed.
The feelings that she gives me are never filled with dread.
But nothing she can dew would make me ever want to wind up dead but the
living do the love they do the life time instead. Eye could walk the halls of memory
and get depressed or eye could become a nun in convicted pleasure and rest in
convent until death can dew us part death can give me rest but what of love. How
can a man get so excited at a little green dot a few mouse clicks and then a cold
white chat box. The ink is never wet upon mye crinkle paper yet there it is its love.
When she smiles at me eye smile when she frowns eye weep a river of the
stuffins kept inside it all comes flowing out to make a wrongful death seem
somehow write the words upon the mended heart depart from worry and from
woe and take the brand new start and soon it all works for love. Snow White she
ate the apple and then fell to fast asleep but Charlax came to kiss her and
awakened her to live. Prince Charlax kisses good.
Live upon the creek bank fishing for dragonflies in a house of love. Mending heart
of Charming. Making love in heart. Mye snow white turtle love my pookie
pochoucntous love my internet thrall. We can have it all just hold on to my
namme and love.
Researchers have now proven that love can mend a broken heart.