No Gloves
Like an arachnid
Standing on the soles of our feet,
Yet, walking upside down
Crawling in quicksand
Searching for solid ground
But it's like picking up a gun and letting off solid rounds
How do we find common ground
When we keep finding the same common nouns:
Pain, Anger. Frustration, Debate
Too reluctant to try to relate
We stay tucked in to hide
Stuck on this ride
Remaining sheltered in the crux of our pride
Engaged in dispute so that makes me the bride
And I get in the ring
Waiting for the bell to go "ding"
So I start walking with golden strides
Looking at you with shimmering eyes…
How many times are we going to drown
Before we listen to the sounds?
When the referee says the fight might be stopped in one more round
I take off my gloves so that my hands are unbound
Clothes are wet from the sweat of defeat.
Weariness drips from my back in this heat
And as I wait for you to take your best shot,
You strip from your gear
And spit from your mouth the plastic guard that protects your words
And instead of hearing howls, I hear the sweet sound of birds
And as I inhale
I hold in the tears as our chests reunite…
Love is stronger than Pride….
I realized that after we boxed
last night.