No Matter How Small
How would an infant speak and listen with a sparrow?
Like a bird?
In tweeted feelings
and benign twitters of belonging together
and voracious caws of young impatient hunger.
How is that different than leaders
speaking cooperatively with each dignified other,
different than non-violent communicators for better or worse,
richer with poorer,
'til death tears us apart?
Sending our prime nature-spirited relationships
off and out convexly yang
to reunite in future healthy yinfants
speaking with yang/yin both/and flying neighbors
after listening carefully for win/win articulating needs
and co-empathic slow-grown feelings
co-arising nondual ZeroZone co-gravitating
enthymematic communications
revolutionary creolizations
humane/divine-flight sublimations
resilient airborne transubstantiations
viral chirping co-expressions
polyculturing impressions
multicultural affirmations
integral questions
Why would an infant speak and listen like a bird?