No Need...But It Was Nice
A beautiful woman is regal and as stunning as the sun creeping through your window
And pushes open your weary eyes…
Just to say…It’s morning.
A gorgeous woman is a pleasure to a broken heart like a child’s smile in a ghetto’s poverty
When the chill of your past sins crawls up your spine and robs you of your peaceful mind…
What could cure the frigid bones and darkened spirit like the love of a woman
The strength of thousand woes….she’s suffered
The support of the earth beneath my feet
The encouragement. The belief. The trust!
She is so royal, exquisite, magnificent creature made to comfort my path and my tasks
Made to remind me that it is a soft word that breaks the bone
A soft look that rights the wrongs and tightens bond…
Between me and you…
With a crown as grand as this I understand why she might see you at my lowest and say,
“I have No Need for you”
And while you’re down she might decide to tell you how glorious she is.
While you stumble to regain your stature she may slide her slippery self-exalted accolades
beneath your feet so you find it hard to balance
Stand on your shoulders and say…
No Need to hear your words
When its your Joy….Your Peace….Your Love…
That reminded her of that crown
That polished that smile
So she knows…..
So she grows…
No need.
Yeah…she’s right…
You served your purpose and fulfilled that need
So when the night is over and sun comes rising up my window pane
And gently pushes open her weary eyes…
And she says……
“Can we make every night like last night and we wake to each others morning smile?”
I look into her seductive and hypnotic joy-filled eyes
And Say….
“No Need….But it was nice”