Love Poem: No Regrets

No Regrets

Dappled shadows sway and dance upon her face; 
The fag ends of stars smoulder miles above, 
Casting a brittle radiance across her pallid skin...
She lies on her balcony, naked and chilled, 
Pondering the heavens and her own melancholy – 
Two oceans of darkness, one above, one buried deep inside...
Her sadness is fathomless as the sea, and as cold 
It fills her with hollow pain, with the stench of death
And there in the moonlight she mourns, 
A pearly white widow, clad in intangible robes of nostalgia
Oh god, how she misses, how she she regrets
Inside the confines of her skull there lies a dismal graveyard 
It is filled with the skeletons of dead and rotting loves -
She has given her heart to many in her brief life, 
Given it as freely as spare change – 
And reaped the consequences in razor-scars, 
And floods of bitter tears, enough to drown a city 
Or at least all of the men who have betrayed her 
Now the bare bones of her decrepit longings jangle, 
Creating a zombie chorus in the depths of her ribs 
And the night wind howls their names and their treacheries 
Shrieking them down her aching ears...
But still she lies there, quiet and beautiful in despair, 
And still she loves, her battered heart refusing to cease its beats 
Because though love may have wounded her with mortal blows, 
And though men have crushed her faith to dust, 
Still a life without love is no life at all 
And, fallen angel that she is, her halo still gleams with a tarnished shine 
And her gentle soul prepares itself to - one day - love and lose again