Love Poem: No You To Hold Onto
Michael Todd Avatar
Written by: Michael Todd

No You To Hold Onto

I reach for you,
in bed, in the car,
at the table,
on the couch
and while walking,
but, there's
no you to hold onto.

Only in dreams
can I reach out
and touch you,
hold you,
feel you
for as long as
I need to.

It's such a shame
to have had
no reservations
about touching
each other
when we were

It was all
so natural,
so effortless,
so fulfilling.
That's why
I miss holding
you so much.

Will I ever find
anyone else
who will love me
as naturally
as you did?
I scares me
to think I won't.

But, only God
in His infinite wisdom
knows the answer
to my questions now.
And I've been so
unfaithful to Him,
so impatient.

He cares always
for me and
I care always
for you
wherever you are,
however you feel
for forever.