Not a poetry
the mistake I made
was I began calling myself a poet
and I began calling my writing poetry
but when you label yourself as anything
a comedian
an artist
a musician
a filmmaker
a dancer
a painter
you give the word permission
to critique you as such
you become restricted
you invite comparison and expectation
the truth is it was never poetry
it was always just words
it was what I had to offer the world... if you have something to offer the world
know that it doesn't have to fit
in a neat little box
in fact, it shouldn't
make what you like
make what is honest
make what you need
make what is unexpected but don't try to be something
I mourn for all the art that is lost
because we let ourselves forget
that art is the outcome of our expression
not the other way around
the goal is not to make music, poetry, art it is to set something within you free