Not Again....
I think I like you,
We've been friends for a while
And now I feel something more
Towards you.
By the way some things go,
Between the two of us,
I thought there was an inkling,
of a mutual feeling.
Then one day you told me,
There was a girl you liked,
And that wasn't me,
I showed nothing and only listened.
Why do I do thing like this,
Let my heart control my mind?
I should have learned the first time,
I fell for someone, I was sick with affection,
Only to be shattered.
It wasn't so bad this time around,
I was somewhat grounded,
I didn't expect mutual feelings exactly,
just wished and hoped.
Well, this is the second time,
That I fell for someone,
And fell straight on my face,
Almost, I caught myself this time.
I did not tell anyone my feelings
For you, if I fall again
I'll be a fool!