Love Poem: Not Such Great Expectations
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Not Such Great Expectations

Paraphrasing Dickens
speaking of Great Expectations
through Pip's distraining voice,
Our worst religious weaknesses
and political meannesses
and self and other deprivations
are usually committed
for the sake of avoiding elitist people
whom we most actively distrust.

On the other hand,
trust invites vulnerability
as distraining poverty embraces wealth,
expanding democracy
and cooperative co-investment.

Oppressive religious and cultural repressions and suppressions
are opiates of multiculturing people
When monoculturing elitists
offer religious opiate addictions to domesticating ritual
thereby over-ruling democratic spiritual experience
of daily natural and cooperative liturgies.

Polycultural non-elites,
like young organic gardeners of polyphonics
and ecofeminist transgendering designers,
thrive best within an alliance
of the gentle and broken,
vulnerable and open
to new cooperative intimacies,
gentrifying neighborhoods and families
and hearts
designed by rural-memory values
for nutrition that also nurtures,
health that also wealths,
climates embracing edible and richly colored landscapes,
of and for regenerating
future generations
of and for polycultural cooperative EliteNetworks,
neither opiated
nor nervously nirvanaed nellies
nor disappointed
that WinLose investment
didn't turn out
as WinWin actively hoped for
through EcoPolitical Constitutions
reborn in and through each matriarchal ego/eco-doublebound
organic governing womb,
probably not so Dystopically Opiated,
at least in our moments of original cooperative conception.

Or, we could end less simply Dickens,
with Great Expectations for avoiding:
Our worst religious weaknesses
and political meannesses
and self and other deprivations,
usually committed
for the sake of avoiding elitist people 
(and other divine personages, 
distraining gods and goddesses)
whom we most actively, 
LeftBrain dominantly, 