Nothing Without
We are made to be together
Like Peanut butter and jelly
Cookies and Milk
Ice cream and cake
Peaches and cream
If you take one from the other
It would be nothing
If you take me from you
The same thing will happen
We are made to be together
That like taking Robin from Batman
They are nothing without each other
But together they are unstoppable
I am your superwomen and you are my superman
and together we are more powerful then any king
But apart we are like Iron man without his shield
You might not look at it like I do
But I look at it beyond today and tomorrow
I look at it beyond the Sky
Because together we can do wonder and make each other happy
Until the lord take us away from each other and still then our love will live on forever
Because that is how powerful our love is
You might not see it but it is
Always remember our love is like
A tree without his branch
A man without his dog
The sky without the sun and the moon and the stars