Nubian Queen
At times I would wonder when she would come to my
door my Nubian Queen to greet me with a smile and
stay for awhile as we reminisce on what could've been
or what will be she is the Nubian queen to me.
She is the sista that tells me she loves me no matter
what we go through she will be standing there by my
side holding my hand not letting me feel deprived
from the love she has too share.
she has captured my heart which has been torn apart
from the past love experiences
that greeted me with pain only to sit and cry in the
rain and ask why must I en dour such suffering? What
have I done to deserve a selfish out right wrong
sista who head was twisted on wrong When all my love
for her was strong.
I will never ever let another tear me down, crush my
dreams and my hopes of happiness within for my Nubian
queen whoever she maybe will guide me and nurture me
back to where I belong and that is love by a true
black Nubian queen she is too me.
Valeria Richardson