O, One Day You Will Ask (Rhymethor)
Welcoming misty spring
The Bluebells, sweetly, ring
Come quickly and listen
The love songs of Eden
Listen or you will miss
The transition of this
Sleepy, sleepy winter
To a spring of wonder
The love songs of Eden
Come quickly and listen
The Bluebells, sweetly, ring
Welcoming misty spring
Missing it, one day you’ll ask, “Where did my heart go?”
Rhymethor is a poetic form with a title of 6 syllables,
3 rhyming stanzas of 6 syllables, (rhyme scheme:
aabb, ccdd, bbaa) and an inverted 3rd stanza of the
1st stanza, with a concluding line of 12 syllables,
representing the total number of lines.
Hello soupers,
Hope you’re enjoying my craziness of inventing
such structured (crazy?) poetic forms…lol.
Btw, Rhymethor is “Rhyme me, Thor!” my wife’s
phrase. She yelled me this while I was writing a
poem. She said I’ve no time for her, cos of my
passion. So, what I did I stopped my writing and
I rhymed her…lol! You see, I’m crazy!