O, Strange Bird
O, strange bird...
you perplexing thing, you.
You couldn't be more different
from the rest;
springing quite the surprise
when I sprung you
from the cage.
You didn't fly away!
I expected you to, little thing
I sprung you,
yet you refused
to fly into oblivion!
I threw you up and away
to the wind, yet you flew...
right back to me!
A fistful of years have since flown,
yet here you are, still grounded,
with me, though you have wings!
I still wonder why this is so.
BRIAN'S CHOICE Y,any form,any theme
Contest Judged: 5/28/2020 (Winner: Honorable Mention)
Sponsored by: Brian Strand
Date written: 05/27/2020