O Blessed Stranger
A inspired dedicated verse to Darlene De Beaulieu
O blessed stranger;
How are you
You don’t know me
But I am praying, praying for you
Please be patient
In your circumstances
Please be encouraged
Jesus is the right path
Lovely you are;
To a prayer receiving God;
Promises He’ll keep always;
So deep with a strong meaning;
And powerful prayer you have completed;
Prayer so deep with a strong meaning and powerful
Go on pray on, pray strong…
All hopes and joys are in His Hands this is His world
And Loved you are;
To a prayer receiving God;
Promises He’ll keep always;
So lay down your frustration and anger
O blessed stranger;
Have a nice day my friend Bless you
Written words by James Edward Lee Sr. & Darlene De Beaulieu 2019©
*based on words inspired by “Darlene De Beaulieu” in bold print..
From forthcoming anthology
“Inspired Inbox Word Write Collabs #1”