O' Joy the Holy Sight Within This Silent Night-
In the heart of the eyes of the Soul;
Well just bring forth humanities;
To take our ridden sins away
Joy!! Hallelujah- Hallelujah
O' Joy, Holy sight
Miraculous birth tonight
It takes God inside a babe
to make our sins go away, go away.
Such a Holy sight in this Holy night
Our God embodied us wit Jesus Christ God with us
And the spirit flowing forth
There's No greater Love that's birth
It took a precious newborn baby
To take our ridden sins away
O' Holy Joyish sight
Miraculously birth tonight
Has taken God to be a babe
To make our sins to go away
Such a Holy sight of a Holy night
Our God embodied us wit Jesus Christ God with us
~Hallelujahs!, embedded in this" silent night "~
For A Christmas Carol Poetry Contest
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