O Rebecca, O Rebecca Thy Starbucks Princess Is Waiting
O Rebecca, O Rebecca Thy Starbucks Princess Is Waiting
I am so nervous to ask her out; just procrastinating
Sitting here sipping my daily Teavana Earl Grey Tea
I daydream of her one day in my arms; to be unshackled and free
O Rebecca, O Rebecca Thy Starbucks Princess Is Waiting
I fear her saying no to me; It would be so devastating
My passionate burning heart beating faster and accelerating
Just the two of us in Bryant Park gracefully ice skating
O Rebecca, O Rebecca Thy Starbucks Princess Is Waiting
She is all humbleness; I feel her heart also is intensifying
I see her soft glowing face; my baby blue eyes are dilating
"Ask her out, ask her out" my heart keeps advocating
O Rebecca, O Rebecca Thy Starbucks Princess Is Waiting
Her long legs and silky blond hair are always fascinating
Why is asking her one simple question so complicating
Hear Ye, Hear Ye, my courage and self-esteem one day will be elevating