Warm salt winds gently whisper on my skin, knowing not where I'll be, only to forget where I've been. The sea sings a song of time once lost, for yesterday comes with a hard, heavy cost. Tedious things are now so dark and so grim, for it is the oceans of time that claims the hearts of all men. All that will be, all that has been, the things that were not, never shall be again. I let the waves come and take me from the edge of this shore, to the darkness below where I'll stay evermore. Not do I struggle, nor do I fight, I'll not see again or be kissed by the light. In leagues below the surface, under the swells, it looks not like heaven, resembles not hell. It grips with such power, yet still a gentle embrace. I've not been here before, yet I know this strange place. Pulling me deeper I'm surrounded by night, again not to struggle, again not to fight. Having no place inside the cruel world above, the true cost now paid... for falling in love. Walk down to the sands and upon the beach, trudge down where land meets up with the sea, think there of nothing, think there of me, think there of when you were all I could see.