Love Poem: Ode to all African Dreamers of the Written Word
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Written by: Jamuel Yaw Asare

Ode to all African Dreamers of the Written Word

In the vast and verdant landscape of African literature, a constellation of luminous stars once shone bright, their radiant light illuminating the complexities of a continent’s soul.
 O Achebe, Awoonor, Mongo Beti, Ama Ata Aidoo, Peggy Oppong, Dennis Brutus, Kwesi Brew, etc.!
 So these Chroniclers of the Human Experience and Visionaries of the Written Page whose words were wildfires that blazed across the savannas of imagination, leaving an indelible mark on the canvas of human experience have ended their lives’ symphony, the final note of mortality echoing through eternity?
 Ah! Their pens were mighty rivers, overflowing  with the richness of their heritage, quenching the thirst of a people’s history, and nourishing the soil of their collective memory. They were indeed the guardians of the ancient traditions, the keepers of the flame of knowledge, and the weavers of the tapestry of their people’s stories .
 Their writing was a symphony of voices, a chorus of ancestors , a paean to the resilience of the human spirit. They sang like minstrels of the struggles and triumphs of a people, their words , a bridge connecting the past to the present, a testament to the power of the written word to transcend time and mortality.
 Though their physical presence may be gone, their literary legacies remain, a rich and fertile soil where the seeds of their ideas continue to germinate, and the flowers of their imagination forever bloom. Their words are the threads that weave together the fabric of their people’s experiences, a tapestry of hope and resilience that will forever be the hallmark of their genius!
 In the silence of their passing, their writing speaks louder than ever, a defiant cry against the erasure of memory, a celebration of the beauty and diversity of African experiences. Their words are the flames that light the way for those who come after, a beacon of hope in the darkness of forgetfulness, a reminder that the stories of a people are the threads that bind them together, and the glue that holds their history in place.
 May their words forever be the stuff that dreams are made of, the fuel that ignites the passion of a people, and the fire that burns bright in the hearts of generations to come.
For in their writing, we find the essence of their humanity, the distillation of their experiences, and the reflection of their souls. 
 They may be gone but their words will forever be the testament to their genius, and the tribute to their enduring legacy.