Ode To My Beloved
He has powers that I can’t explain
With his whispered love
I release all my pain and worry
With his touch, I discover
A warmth of my heart and soul
With his kindness I learn
That joy flows from deep inside
He has skills that leave me full
Of joy, love and hope
Inspiration that fills my soul
With the knowledge that he is
A friend that will forever be
Aware of my weakness’
But still so encouraging
Of my strengths – He has faith
He has the answers I need
When I can’t ask anyone else
He knows just what to say
When I feel like giving up on
My dreams and ideas, my vision
He keeps his promises to me
With assurance that He will forever be
There to give me inspiration
He believes in me when I can’t
Find the courage to believe myself
He gives to me… assurance that
I am blessed – by the love he gives
To me – without fail, He is a friend to me
The One I yearn to share my life with
My joy, my elation, my desire
The one I call my beloved, my best friend
The man of my dreams and heart’s helper
The husband that I always dreamed of